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Zack Moy avatar
Written by Zack Moy
Updated over a year ago

You can generate, print, upload, and request documents for esignature directly from Afterword in the Documents tab.

Upload a document

You can upload copies of documents that families have signed in person and other important files directly in Afterword. To upload a document click on ‘upload’ and search for the document you would like to add. Select it from your computer and you’ll see it appear along with the date it was uploaded. You can view and delete it any time.

View a document

To view a document click on the three dots on the right hand side. Select ‘View’ and a preview of the document will appear. You can print from the preview or download the document directly onto your computer by clicking on the download icon beside the three dots.

Regenerate a document

Your important documents to print are located in your cases home screen. If you make a change to a case you will need to regenerate your documents in order to update them. To regenerate a document, click on the document in your cases home screen, wait for the download icon to appear and download it on to your computer.

If you are sending documents over esignature, you will need to go to the Documents tab and resend the documents by clicking on 'New esign' to have the family sign the updated documents.

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